August 28, 2010

Cutting the ties that bind

We all create cords to people we have had relationships with or associations
or interactions with. The cords are energy ties to certain areas of our energy
bodies depending on the kind of interactions we had: for instance, control
energy – fear energy – power energy. Some cords are contracts with people that
have agreed to help us work through our lessons in life. We need to recognize
these, ask what it is there for, why we are connected to this person, what we
have to learn from them and what they have to learn from us.

Cords can be cut using the “Cutting the Ties That Bind” exercise, an exercise
created by Phyllis Krystal to remove the energy of unhealthy relationships from
your auric field. Visualize an infinity sign with the inner circles colored white
and the outer circles colored violet – violet is transformation and white is new beginning. Imagine you are standing in one side of the figure eight and the person you want to let go of is standing in the other side. Then imagine you are having
a conversation and you are telling this person how much he or she has helped
you to learn a valuable lesson in your life, how much you appreciate the experience.
See the cords that connect you to this person.
Then using a pair of golden scissors cut the energy cords you have built between
you, making sure that the cords are healed and sealed. Visualize these cords being cut – actually feel the golden scissors cutting into them and separation taking place. Even though you want these cords to be cut always act from a place of love – positive energy, forgiveness and compassion. When you have finished, proceed to cut the circles in half allowing each half to become a complete circle.
Wave good-bye and see them in their circle leaving your auric field, floating into the distance. Do this daily until you feel they have been released and you are
free from their influence. It might take a while depending on the actual strength
of the attachment.


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