July 25, 2010

Swimming in circles by Dick Sutphen

I recently read about a woman who needed to clean out her fish bowl, but could not find a container in which to place her two goldfish. So she filled up her bathtub with a couple of inches of water and placed the fish in the tub.
After cleaning the bowl and returning for the goldfish,
she found them swimming in a corner of the tub in a circle no bigger than the fish bowl.

Compare yourself to the fish in the tub.
Do your fears and habits and the patterns of your life keep you swimming in a small circle?

Or do you live dangerously, exploring the potentials of your existence?

Margaret Stortz says, “It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But
there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.”

When making a new decision about your life, Osho advises, “... don’t choose the convenient, the comfortable, the respectable, the socially acceptable, the honorable.
Choose something that rings a bell in your heart. Choose something that you would like to do in spite of any consequences.”

If you’re swimming in small circles and life isn’t as fulfilling as you want it to be, consider your level of aliveness. Aliveness is excitement, enjoyment in doing what you do. It’s that blood-pumping exhilaration, challenge, joy, stimulation, and pleasure that makes life worth living.

For any further information

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